Like Chinese takeout

Loved the meal I made last week that stretched into a few more meals’ worth of leftovers.

Thug Kitchen’s winter vegetable stir fry

-Adjustments: ended up probably doubling the tamari, rice vinegar and chili paste (read: Sriracha) to amp up the flavor. Should have done the same with the orange juice.

-Sometimes served topped with more Sriracha.

-I’ve never cooked with fennel before and I loved this gingery, fennel-y dish. So good.

Budget Bytes’ basic bok choy

-Adjustments: used asparagus instead because Metropolitan Market didn’t have any bok choy (damn you, Metro!). Also cooked the asparagus in veggie broth instead of oil (I’m about oil reduction/elimination wherever possible), but still finished it off with toasted sesame seed oil for some clutch flavor.

-‘Twas still delicious.

Both these dishes paired well together hot or cold. Maybe if I had a miso soup along with them it’d be a grand ole dinner, but I have my limits on motivation and clean pans.