The no-new-grocery challenge

Budget- and mental health-wise, I hope the days are behind me of eating chips and leftover s’mores ingredients from an old camping trip for dinner.

But I’m still a writer trying to make rent in Seattle, where the cost of living and taxes are high (I love you so much Seattle, but you hurt me sometimes).

I got paid on Friday, but after going over my budget, I realized that I’d still have near-nothing left by the time my checks for rent, my CSA and a health insurance thing clear.

Not wanting to swim in more credit card debt (which is where I put my car repairs and birthday presents to loved ones), I challenged myself to not buy any more groceries until I get paid again June 13. More

Being in love with an omnivore


Can you guess which pot of chili is mine?

Chili hack: break up a can of refried beans in your hot chili for added thickness and body. This recipe also includes barbecue sauce and salsa. Two of my favorite condiments in a chili! Top it with Daiya cheese* and that’s fall.

Anyone else cook omnivorous dishes for loved ones** or do meat eaters in your household fend for themselves?

Also, I moved some Earth Balance into my boyfriend’s fridge and he called them organic sunflower tears. I think that’s what I might call my Earth Balance from now on.

*Tried Daiya for the first time this week. Pretty good!

**Loved One cooked his own chili this time, with some guidance. ‘Twas nice to not have to chop up onions and garlic for once!

Isa did it

I am so full right now. And happily so.

For lunch today I nommed this recipe for red lentil Thai chili from the Post Punk Kitchen site and it was wonderful.

This is where I can be snobby and braggy about badass dishes I make, because I figure if you’re here, you’re reasonably interested, and I don’t have to be one of those people who Instagram every meal they eat and spam it all over the internet. (I still don’t know how to use Instagram.)

Chili and curry are the two most comforting foods I can imagine and their powers combine here beautifully. I actually didn’t even realize the recipe called for kidney beans (thereby making it technically a chili, I guess) until I was in the middle of making it, but just added extra lentils for body and it was plenty hearty. And, importantly, easy! The hardest part was letting it boil for awhile when I wanted to pour everything into my belly.


Oh hey



I really don’t get a big hankering for soup in the summer, but last week my soup switch turned on.

Heck, this week or next I’ll probably make chili. IT’S CHILI SEASON, YOU GUYS.

Anyway, I made two soups last week from the Happy Herbivore’s Happy Herbivore Abroad cookbook, which I highly recommend. The author, Lindsay Nixon, is awesome with cheap, accessible and easy recipes, which is what I’m all about.

Soup 1: Texas white chili More